Day One 

  • Everything Has Changed
  • Maximizing Mediation as a Theory of Mediation
  • Rapport Development and Creating Resource States
  • Question Forms & Key Questions
  • The Problem-Solving Frame
  • Anticipatory Time Framing
  • Getting Current: Acknowledgement and Venting
  • Easy Points of Agreement
  • De-positioning
  • Indirect Techniques
  • A Theory of Mediation
  • Resolving Pressing Issues
  • A Problem-Solving Approach
  • Sharing Perspectives
  • 3 Main Mediation Strategies

Day Two 

  • Open Discussion Forum
  • Keys to Online Mediation Success
  • New Online Mediation Ethical Issues
  • New Online Mediation Training Issues
  • Marketing Mediation Generally
  • Marketing Online Mediation 
  • Professional vs. Organizational Marketing
  • Creating a Culture of Respect and Optimization
  • National Mediation Policy Act
  • The Future of Mediation
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"I would highly recommend this course. The ideas and practical advice will be put to immediate use in my practice."

"I learned some wonderful mediation styles from a master."

"I felt the information was viable and useful to my dispute resolution practice."

"The tips for Zoom mediation were very helpful for those new to Zoom."

"Presenters did a very nice job. They were very knowledgeable and provided good insight and helpful information as to the future of mediations."

"The training was WONDERFUL! So many practical tips and ways of wording questions to help clients more effectively."

"Enlightening, educational and entertaining. I am glad I attended."

"This was filled with useful information."

"Jim Melamed is an amazing presenter. I have been mediating for almost 14 years and I learned so much from the training."

"The latest, greatest, and updated mediation information."

"Jim is a superb presenter and consummate professional. The course is a non-stop journey of thoughtful concepts about mediation, innovation and useful ideas. Clare Fowler is an excellent presenter who provides information that every mediator should have."

"Jim Melamed makes a cogent and thoughtful presentation of strategies to engage participants in virtual mediation to support them to the end of the resolution process."

"This course provided a great overview of how the mediation process is evolving into the world of virtual communication."

"I learned some great techniques form a master of mediation."

"Jim and Clare gave us great suggestions for on-line mediation and marketing tools/features to keep clients engaged and creative."

"This course is a great tool for learning techniques and tools to better understand and properly harness the power of the online world. It showed real life examples of how I can better utilize the technology so that my mediation business can continue to evolve and adapt.
This training provided a great mixture of techniques for the mediator doing online mediation as well as practical information on the technology for being able to do online mediation."

"The presentation was informative, positive and gave helpful resources."


James Melamed

Jim Melamed co-founded in 1996 and served as CEO of until 2020. Before, Jim founded The Mediation Center in Eugene, Oregon in 1983 and served as Executive Director of the Academy of Family Mediators (AFM) from 1987 to 1993.

Additional Trainings with Jim Melamed