Course Curriculum

Day 1
Welcome / Agenda / Spirit of the Training
Introductions - Roundtable
Drafting arbitration clauses
Multi-tiered clauses, multi-party contracts

Day 2
UNCITRAL rules & law, New York Convention, hard & soft law, arbitration rules & dispute resolution organizations

Day 3
Filing a request for arbitration, answer, counterclaim

Day 4
Constitution of an arbitral tribunal, nomination of arbitrators, disclosures, objections, challenges, and review of software platforms for conflict checks

Day 5
Emergency arbitrator, Expedited Rules

Day 6
Terms of reference on issues to be determined by the tribunal, case management conference

Day 7
Procedure before the arbitral tribunal
Hearings, evidence, witness cross-examination

Day 8
Partial, final award


Benjamin Davis

Benjamin Davis graduated from Harvard College (B.A. cum laude 1977), Harvard Business School and Harvard Law School (JD-MBA 1983). He worked for three years as a development consultant in West Africa and a management consultant with Mars and Co in Paris, France. He was the American Counsel at the International Court of Arbitration of the International Chamber of Commerce for ten years where he managed arbitrations with parties from around the world, led the computerization of the case management system and developed fast-track arbitration. He rose to Director, Conference Programmes and Manager of the Institute of World Business Law of the International Chamber of Commerce before entering teaching in 2000 at Texas Wesleyan University School of Law. He is the creator and one of the organizers of the International Competitions for Online Dispute Resolution. Ben is an expert with the United Nations Economic Commission for Europe. He was the Assistant Reporter, American Bar Associate Task Force on Electronic Commerce and Alternative Dispute Resolution. He is the Co-chair of the Teaching International Law Interest Group of the American Society of International Law. He led the drive for a resolution on international law at the ASIL Centennial meeting March 30, 2006. He has published in law reviews such as the American Review of International Arbitration, the Journal of American Arbitration, the Texas Wesleyan Law Review and the Mississippi Law Journal. He has spoken around the world on topics related to international commercial arbitration, online dispute resolution, contracts, and public international law. He teaches Contracts, Public International Law, International and Domestic Arbitration, Alternative Dispute Resolution, and International Business Transactions.

Colin Rule

Colin Rule is President and CEO of and In 2011 Colin co-founded, an Online Dispute Resolution (ODR) provider based in Silicon Valley, which was acquired by Tyler Technologies in 2017. From 2017 to 2020 Colin served as Vice President of ODR at Tyler. From 2003 to 2011 Colin was Director of Online Dispute Resolution for eBay and PayPal. He has worked in the dispute resolution field for more than 25 years as a mediator, trainer, and consultant. He is currently Co-Chair of the Advisory Board of the National Center for Technology and Dispute Resolution at UMass-Amherst and a Non-Resident Fellow at the Gould Center for Conflict Resolution at Stanford Law School. Colin co-founded Online Resolution, one of the first online dispute resolution (ODR) providers, in 1999 and served as its CEO and President. In 2002 Colin co-founded the Online Public Disputes Project which applied ODR to multiparty, public disputes. Colin also worked for several years with the National Institute for Dispute Resolution (now ACR) in Washington, D.C. and the Consensus Building Institute in Cambridge, MA. Colin has presented and trained around the world for organizations including the Singapore Mediation Center, the Federal Mediation and Conciliation Service, the International Association of Court Administrators, the International Chamber of Commerce, and the CPR Institute for Dispute Resolution. He has also lectured and taught at UMass-Amherst, Harvard, Yale, Stanford, Pepperdine, Southern Methodist University, and Santa Clara University. Colin is the author of Online Dispute Resolution for Business, published by Jossey-Bass in September 2002, and co-author of The New Handshake: Online Dispute Resolution and the Future of Consumer Protection, published by the ABA in 2017, as well as many dozens of articles in ADR journals and publications. He serves on the boards of the Consensus Building Institute and the PeaceTech Lab at the United States Institute of Peace. Colin received the Frank Sander Award from the American Bar Association in 2019 and the Mary Parker Follett Award from the Association for Conflict Resolution in 2013. He holds a Master’s degree from Harvard University’s Kennedy School of Government in conflict resolution and technology, a graduate certificate in dispute resolution from UMass-Boston, a B.A. from Haverford College, and he served as a Peace Corps volunteer in Eritrea from 1995-1997.

Amy Schmitz

Professor Amy J. Schmitz joined the University of Missouri School of Law faculty as the Elwood L. Thomas Missouri Endowed Professor of Law in 2016. Previously she was a professor at the University of Colorado School of Law. Prior to teaching, Professor Schmitz was in private practice with large law firms in Seattle and Minneapolis. She also served as a law clerk for the former Chief Judge James B. Loken with the U. S. Court of Appeals for the Eighth Circuit. Professor Schmitz teaches courses in Contracts, Lawyering, Dispute Resolution in the Digital Age, Major Research Projects, Secured Transactions, Arbitration, International Arbitration, and Consumers and the Law (service learning). Her current research explores online dispute resolution in varied exchange contexts, with special focus on consumer claims and means for consumers to obtain remedies. She also has been active in recent debates regarding consumer protection more generally, consumer arbitration and contracting behavior, and is often an invited speaker on these topics. Recent speaking engagements include events at the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau in Washington, D.C.; University of Leicester in England; University of Ghent in Belgium; Stanford Law School; University of Arizona Law School; Pepperdine Law School; University of California Hastings; Loyola in Chicago; Wake Forest University; Fordham University; Penn State; and American Bar Association Meetings. She also serves on the Association of American Law Schools Executive Committee on Commercial and Related Consumer Law, and has been an Amici in several United Supreme Court cases. She also has taught in France, South Africa, and England, and has been an expert and liaison for the United Nations working group seeking to create a global online dispute resolution mechanism. Professor Schmitz’s outreach work involves various projects, including production of a consumer film (“Fine Print Foils”), a non-profit consumer outreach website and companion app, and various service-learning courses. Her most recent service-learning projects have led to a consumer empowerment blog and free public seminars on pressing consumer issues. She is also creating an Open Educational Resource for teaching Online Dispute Resolution, and is co-chair of the ABA Technology and Dispute Resolution Committee. Faculty Page: Consumer Outreach: and SSRN Author Page: